April 7, 2010

The Details

(for current 8-12th graders)
July 31 - August 8
Cedar Springs, AZ
Navajo Reservation
Cost to Student: $600
Includes program, transportation, gas, most meals, and lodging. Please plan to bring additional money for incidentals and some fast food meals while we are traveling.  
What is CARAVAN?
CARAVAN is a week-long service and learning trip where we put our faith into action as we serve God by serving others. This summer, we will be working with TEAMeffort serving the Navajo people on their reservation in Cedar Springs, Arizona.  The students will work to improve local ministry facilities, build new homes and bring homes back to livable conditions. In addition to hands-on projects, groups will be able to spend time with parents and children on the reservation, learning about the history and culture of the Navajo Nation. The experience of ministry and Christian service within the Native American culture leaves a lasting impact on all involved.

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