August 2, 2010

Day 3 - First Day of work

Sunday morning we had the opportunity to worship with the congregation of the Kingman Presbyterian Church.  Pastor Griff preached on the Lord's prayer and how it is a model for our lives.  We chuckled when he told us not to be "Spiritual chumps!"  We stayed for coffee hour (copious quantities of cookies) before departing for Cedar Springs. 

The drive was much shorter, but not short on fun and adventure.  We stopped briefly in Flagstaff where our new friend Steve (no not our Steve) gave us plastic bags to line the top carriers.  Yes, we have found it to be true that August IS monsoon season in Arizona.  The drive included brief showers and a few flashes of lightening!  Fortunately the rains were brief and travel safe. 

We arrived safely at Cedar Springs Nazarene Church last night in the middle of a downpour. We were greeted by a slightly damp TEAMEffort staff and Pastor Mike. Pastor Mike welcomed us, shared insight into what it is like to live in the Navajo Nation and why it is important for us to be here. He also prayed for us in Navajo, I had no idea what he was saying but it very beautiful and powerful.

Today was our first day of work and TEAMEffort didn't mess around with providing great projects for us. We have 5 work sites: re-roofing Pastor Mike's house, putting up framing for an addition to a house, making/pouring concrete for a deck, and building a shed. There is a lot more to do here but that is what we are starting with.

The students are doing such a great job! I am so proud every time I turn around. They are not only working hard on the work site but they are working hard serving one another wherever we are. I love seeing the older students connect with the younger students and show them what it means to be on CARAVAN and live in community.

I have to apologize for forgetting the cord that links the camera up. (WiFi is a bit of a drive.) I do have one picture that I took with my phone and was able to send to myself (thank you Iphone!)  At one of the work sites, the owners have sheep that are free range. They go wherever they want and the sheep dogs keep them in line. Yes the picture is fuzzy because it had just started to rain. I promise there will be more pictures soon!!

Continue to pray that we all continue to step into what God has for us this week.

Talk to you soon!!



  1. God's provision for relief from the heat that had me so concerned. I hope it makes sleeping more comfortable for everyone!

  2. I'm so happy you all made it safe! I am praying for you, and hoping the work goes smoothly! :)

  3. Fun to see your pictures and read about what you're up to. Sending love and hugs and prayers to all the Carvaners!

  4. thank you SO MUCH for these updates. We are so proud of all of you.
